Tuesday, September 4, 2007


Last weekend was a long weekend cum holiday for my family and I. Since hubby had some work in downtown Ipoh so we decided to drive back to our hometowns early. I took leave on Thursday while the kids skip one day of school (yeah, the father said it's okay). The boys had a wonderful time with their cousins (2 of my sister in-laws family were down as well) and of cos' meeting their grandparents.

The only thing I don't quite fancy when it comes to going back to our hometowns is the inaccessibility to the Internet. So I was un-connected for 5 days!! I used to go berserk the last time when I don't have access to the net but not anymore. I learn to keep it under control. Good thing I had my really thick novel with me (which I've been trying hard to finish) and I'm happy to say that I'm almost there.

Last nite I was busy catching up on news and visiting blogs.

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