Sunday, September 9, 2007

The End, finally

At last I managed to finish ‘the’ book. When I just started, I don’t quite like the story. Not until I reached at page 300 or so that I started to enjoy the story’s dark secrets, painful memories etc. Most of the time the story leads you into making some harsh or rather an obvious conclusion to its mystery only to be told otherwise in the next chapter. The plot twist and turn. Sometimes, the writings/words were just too eerily familiar with how you would think/talk/response which shows how clever it is being written. As I mentioned in my other entry earlier on, this book is different from my usual genre (which also explains why I struggle to finish it) but I guess its okay. Bcos at the end, I did enjoy it (this much is true).
Tonite, after fallen asleep twice and woke up to continue reading, I ‘m proud to say that I had finally conquered its 1000 small font pages.

Now back to sleep.

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