Thursday, April 10, 2008

The Man of Steel

I fell in love with the Man of Steel when I was 10 years old. Back then when there was no internet, satellite TV nor can I cannot afford to buy foreign entertainment magazine - I use to collect those small 10cent cards where it has pictures of Superman (it was Christopher Reeve then) to feed my interest. I would forced my younger brother to exchange the cards if he has the card with Superman on it. I begged my father to allow us to watch the movie for the second time at the small cinema in Taiping. I even played 'masak-masak' (make believe cooking) with Superman as my guest.

I remembered meeting a true blue Superman fan from Florida. Angel was our system's consultant in 2005. He even has a ring emblazoned with the 'S' logo which caught my attention when I first said 'I can see that you are Superman fan' which of cos' broke the ice.

I didn't watch Superman Returns(the latest 4th movie). But last night as I was burning the midnight oil preparing a presentation for a meeting scheduled at 0900hr on Friday morning, I came across the movie on TV about 20 minutes before it ended.

It brought back those childhood memories.


GMG said...

Must confess that superman movies never caught my attention, but I remember reading the comics in the late 50s early 60s... Ageing... ;)
Now that José is gone, the Blues are not mandatory anymore, and United has the best player in the world: Cristiano! So you may be a little bit more courteous (just a little bit...) towards Araf... ;)
Have a great weekend!

leo said...

gil-LOL i know where u r getting at! actually, Cristiano was the reason I opted to support Portugal in the last World Cup. Since i know nuts about football, might as well i go for a team who has cute players in it right? good strategy eh? :)