Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Here we go again

Whenever my family goes back to my parents place, my kids will always ask us to bring them to the beach. You can never say no to them or they will keep asking you until you finally said okay. And if that okay means later in the afternoon, you better make sure you convey that message earlier on or they will purposely act as if they don’t know the time and bug you with ‘can we go now?’ just about a million times.

And once you are at the beach, it’s another battle persuading them to go back home when the time is up.
Angah and me watched out for the kids as they played on the sand till sunset. They had so much fun.

On our way back in the car, my son asked me ‘Ma, when can we go again?’


GMG said...

Hi Leo,
Thanks for your comment on my blog.
I survived the Greek fires. Actually I was in the Islands (Kos, Crete and Mykonos) where there were no fires; only the island of Evia was somehow affected. I’m glad to be back and catch up your posts!
No wonder the kids love to go to the beach; I always do and my favourite sport - sea watching is most enjoyable there...
As I’m late, my posts at Blogtrotter are still in Bali 2005. Hope you enjoy it, anyhow!
Have a nice weekend!

leo said...

Hi gmg,
Good to hear you r back. I'm looking forward to see tons n tons of your beautiful Bali pix.

Anonymous said...

very handsome boys!!
and lovely snap of sunset :)

leo said...

ooh thank u for the compliment on my boyz, i love to think 'the good look' comes from me. ha! ha!