Sunday, September 30, 2007

of books, exam and Matt Damon

I'm currently reading this and making poor progress. Out of 503 pages, I'm only at 124 since god knows when. Instead I'm out here reading and writing blogs. Yeah, lame excuse. Luckily I'm not reading for an exam or a test.
Talking about exam, my 9 year old will be sitting for his final exam starting tomorrow. He was stucked with me for the past 2 days revising. Poor kid. I'm definitely not a good teacher. I keep reminding myself to be patient all the time. Since my husband will be going outstation a few days this week, no guessing of who has to make sure my son go thru his school lessons. Even if my husband is at home, the said task will always be left to me.
Now that reminds me that I have to cancel a movie date with a girlfriend next week. We suppose to go and see Bourne Ultimatum starring Matt Damon. Guess it has to be next time.


Anonymous said...

503 pages?? ughhhh
i could read my book only 20 pages today.
whats the story of the old-girl network? looks interesting!
im sure ur son will do well. coz u are such a brilliant girl ;)
it was fun to see that movie shot in madrid. thank u soooo much!!

leo said...

hi back niki, i think the story is about a girl who's trying to convince herself that she's in love with her 'jerk' boyfriend. at least that's what i gather so far. i still havent visit shelfari, maybe this weekend ya' - hope u wont be too disappointed but promise i'll check it out k'

Anonymous said...

thanks leo-chan!!
i just thought that u might be interested in building book shelf in ur blog :)
of course i will not disappointed coz im also not doing shelfari these days lol
jerk boyfriend sounds interesting!!
i like bad boys. haha..
thank u sooooo much!!