Sunday, September 16, 2007

Books therapy

The last time I went to the book sale was last February. And I went again yesterday. Within 1hr 40 mins (actually the time limit imposed by my hubby was 1hr only)- I ended up with 5 books. Ohh..I just feel warm, comfort, fuzzy (in a good way)inside of me just by looking at it. I traced the book cover one by one with my fingers, write the date - I bought them and smell its 'bookly' fragrant. Ya I know, its weird but really, books have that effect on me.

Total I spent about RM120 for all the books yesterday (borrowed the money from my husband, bcos I forgot to withdraw money from the ATM) but I refuse to label this entry as shopping. Simply bcos, to me books are necessity (no matter for what purpose! be it leisure, knowledge, hobby or obsession). So I'm not going to consider it as shopping even though buying them makes me feel so, so good ^__^. Currently I'm reading 3 books (which I bought earlier between this year and 2006). I'll write about that later. Ciao


Sophie Honeysuckle said...

Hi Leo! Just to say hope your meeting goes well, and have a great week!

leo said...

you have a great week too Sophie! Thanks for dropping by.